IRN Detail API

This API is to get JSON for IRN

The IRN Detail API can be used to verify the authenticity and validity of the e-invoice, as well as to access related information such as the digital signature, the QR code, the e-Way Bill number, and the status of the e-invoice.

To use the IRN Detail API, the user needs to send an HTTP GET request to the URL of the API, along with the IRN as a parameter in the URL. The user also needs to provide the authentication details such as the GSTIN, and the auth token in the request header.

The API will return a JSON response that contains the status of the request, the data, the error details, and the info details. The data is a base64 encoded string of the decrypted invoice JSON using the SEK (Session Encryption Key). The error details and the info details are also base64 encoded strings that contain the error code, the error message, and any additional information.

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