This API is to get list of IRNs

IRN List API is an application programming interface that allows users to get the list of (IRNs) for a given return period, supply type, and supplier or recipient GSTIN. The IRN List API can be used to retrieve the IRNs for a specific month or quarter, for inward or outward supplies, and for a specific seller or buyer.

To use the IRN List API, the user needs to send an HTTP GET request to the URL of the API, along with the return period as the parameter. The user also needs to provide the authentication details such as the auth token, and the GSTIN in the request header.

The API will return a JSON response that contains the status of the request, the data, the error details, and the info details. The data is a JSON array that contains the IRNs and their details, such as the IRN, the invoice number, the invoice date, the invoice value, the status, the e-Way Bill number, and the e-Way Bill date.

tails, and the info details. The data is a JSON array that contains the IRNs and their details, such as the IRN, the invoice number, the invoice date, the invoice value, the status, the e-Way Bill number, and the e-Way Bill date.

Data from the government is available in T+2 days

Data from the government is available in T+1 day


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