MCA Status API

Check whether a company is Active or not in the government database and the turnover of the company year-wise


Method Type


Post Parameters (JSON Format)

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer --header 'Accept: application/json' --data-raw '{ "cin":"L17110MH1973PLC019786" }'

Success Response

    "response": [
            "response": {
                "cin": "L72900MH2000PLC128943",
                "companyName": "IRIS BUSINESS SERVICES LIMITED",
                "companyStatus": "Active",
                "email": "",
                "financialAuditStatus": "YES",
                "incorporationDate": "03/10/2000",
                "registeredAddress": "T-231, Tower 2, 3rd Floor, International Infortech Park, Vashi Station Vashi MH 400703 IN",
                "registeredContactNo": "",
                "rocCode": "RoC-Mumbai",
                "financialDetails": [
                        "profitLoss": "         6757000.00",
                        "year": "2022",
                        "turnOver": "       561519000.00"
                        "profitLoss": "        33255303.00",
                        "year": "2021",
                        "turnOver": "       530878129.00"
                        "profitLoss": "        15084880.00",
                        "year": "2020",
                        "turnOver": "       488822751.00"
            "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"
    "error": "false",
    "code": "200",
    "message": "Success"

Last updated

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