FTP Logs
How can we check Logs?
1. Click on the “FTP Log” button on FTP/SFTP configuration listing page.
2. On clicking on the FTP Log button it will redirect to the FTP Log listing page.
3. On this page, all jobs which created at the time of manual import or FTP import will show there with information as
a. ID :- Auto generate unique id
b. Source :- FTP/Browser
c. Document Type :- PO(Purchase Order)/INR(Invoice Receipt)
d. Date/Time :- Log created Date and time
e. Total Records :-Number of total data Uploaded.
f. Valid :- Number of Valid Data
g. Invalid :- Number of Invalid Data
h. Duplicate :- Number of Duplicate Data
i. Amended :- Number of Amended Data
j. Status :- Status will show as pending/processing/completed
k. Sync Type :- Inward/Outward
l. Download icon :- On clicking, the input file will be downloaded.
m. View icon : Details view will show there for a particular log, with information as doc number, document type, status and Action.
1. Under the Action “View Log” button available, clicking data in JSON format will show.
2. Export :- Button is there on clicking all log report will get download, user can download filtered report as valid, invalid, duplicate and amended by using filter
3. Filter : By default “All” will be selected, users can filter valid, invalid, duplicate and amended data by using this.
4. Clear All :- User can reset filtered data.
5. Search Doc Number :- user can search particular data by entering doc number.
n. Filter(on FTP Log Page) : Under this many options available, by using any or all users can filter data as per requirement as Start-End Date, Source, Document type and Sync type.
o. Search Document Type :- user can search data for particular doc type by entering document type.
p. Refresh :-Button available also on this page for refreshing the page and no need to use the refresh icon of browser window for knowing the job status.
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