This will demonstrate how a user can file their GSTR-1 through GST solution.
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This will demonstrate how a user can file their GSTR-1 through GST solution.
Last updated
Preparing data for GSTR-1 :
The user has to go to the “GST Return” module, 3rd option in the left sidebar.
Here, click the GSTR-1 Tile on the File GSTR-1 button.
In this module, user will find the GSTR-1 Data in two forms -
1. Invoice Details (B2B / B2BA , B2CL / B2CLA , CDNR / CDNRA , CDNUR / CDNURA , EXP / EXPA)
2. Summary details (Nil-Rated / Exempted / Non-GST , Document Summary , AT / ATA , TXPD / TXPDA , B2CS / B2CSA)
Both the data can be reviewed by clicking on the respective buttons i.e.
“View Invoice Details” and “View Summary Details” .
In case user wants to make customized changes in their summary details , user has to click on View Summary Details button.
This will open the Summary details screen where the user can Add new data, edit existing data, undo the edited changes and download the summary data.
Here, after the user has customized the data as per his needs then he has to click “Save Changes” button in order to save the changes made.
After the data at both Invoice and Summary level has been prepared , user has to upload the data to govt portal from the upload screen.
Now, GSTR-1 data is prepared in two forms - Invoice details / Summary details. Same will be the procedure for uploading GSTR-1 to govt portal, data will be uploaded Invoice details wise and Summary details wise.
Uploading the GSTR-1 Data on Govt. Portal -
After the data at both Invoice and Summary level has been prepared , user has to upload the data to govt portal from the upload screen.
For uploading Sales data, user has to go to the next tab after prepare that is “Upload data”.
The invoice details and summary details have to be uploaded separately by selecting the desired toggle at the time of upload. After all the invoice and summary details are ready for upload, user has to Click the Upload Button and the upload process for all the invoices and summaries will begin. The below screenshot shows how the process will go -
After the data has been uploaded successfully, user will get “Success” message for the uploaded invoices / summaries.
In case, the upload of any invoice type or summary type fails, user will get a response for it as well as user can download the error file for the same. User can check the error, make respective changes and then try to upload again. The below screenshot shows how user can download the error file for the failed jobs, the error has to be fixed in the data and then user can try re-uploading the data.
Following are examples of what type of data error file shows -:
Whenever GSTR-1 invoices are uploaded, they are removed from the “Pending for Upload” section. In case, the user wants to bring back the uploaded GSTR-1 invoices data, that can be done using the “Reset GSTR-1” button.
After user confirms OK on clicking Reset GSTR-1, all the uploaded invoices will be visible again in the “Pending for Upload” tab.
Comparing the data imported in the system V/s data uploaded on govt portal -
On the left table “Masters India Data Summary” user will be able to see the data imported in the system and on the right “GST Portal Summary” user will be able to see the data they have uploaded on portal.
Then user has to go to the “File Return” tab and click on “Proceed to File”. GSTR-1 will be submitted.