1:First sign in to the mastersindia enterprise portal.
2: Click on reports Module.
3: Under Filing preference report a View reports button is there.Click on the View Reports button.
We will land up on the Filing preference report page which will have business unit,financial year dropdown.
After selecting the business unit,financial year and clicking on the submit button.We can view the preferences quarter wise for the selected gstin.
We have given the Import feature to the user wherein the user can enter the gstin for which he wants to get the preference.For this he first have to download the sample sheet and fill in the gstin. After filling the gstin he neds to import the sheet.After import a job will be created.Once a job is done a user can click on download link and he will get a sheet where the quarter and preference will be there.
To import the file first go to data import tab.
Then click on import button on top right corner.
After clicking on the submit button a job will be created which will be initially pending and after some time it will be completed.
The data in the sheet will be according to the gstin and will be like this.