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GSTR-9(8A) vs Purchase Register Reconciliation

Matching Between GSTR-9(8A) and Purchase to make GSTR-9(8A) more accurate.

Steps 1: Login to Enterprise with valid credentials then click Sign In.

Step2: After Sign-In - 'Dashboard' will appear - click – 'GST Reconciliation' tab on left

Step 3: Click on GSTR-9(8A) Vs PR Register ‘View Reconcile’ tab

Step4: Click on Configure New Reco

Step5 (A): Return Period- User can select the custom Purchase return period as shown belowshown below

Step5 (B): Select 8A return period

Step6: Select Businesses - User can 'Select GSTIN's from the drop down, for which they want to execute the reconciliation on a regular basis

Step7: Frequency - User can select the frequency for Auto- reconciliation by clicking the drop down.


Step 8: Start Date- User can select the Start Date for Reconciliation.

Step 9: Start Time- User can select time to Start reconciliation.

Step10: Segregated by GSTIN- In case user have multiple registrations and wants to submit a job separately for all their GSTIN, user can select this checkbox.

Note: Preferably, we ask users to not to select the checkbox to get results for all their business units under a single Job

Step11: Buffer Tax value- It is a tax tolerance value or tax threshold value a user can input according to their business operations.

Step12: Buffer Taxable Value - It is a taxable tolerance value or taxable threshold value a user can input according to their business operations.

Step13: After clicking - 'Submit' button , user will be redirected to Job list page - mentioning the Serial Number of Jobs and their GSTIN along with other details.

On Listing screen, We can see different options in report section as described below

1 SUMMARY VIEW- In this , User can view and download summary details of GSTR 8A Retrun period.

2 LEDGER VIEW- In this, user can use send mail option for the mismatched entries to the respective suppliers. Here user can take reco actions on the mismatched entries as well.

3 DOCUMENT VIEW- User can view participation of invoices ,there matched,mismatched entries after reco execution in different buckets accordingly.

4 EXECUTE- To execute reco ,user need to use this button present in action section.

5 DELETE- User can use delete button present to clear and delete reco data . Since it is very critical option so, it has OTP based authentication which can only be used by admin.

6 EDIT – User can edit job through edit option

7 VIEW- User can view configured job through view option

Reconciliation 'Bucket/ Tabs and their meaning

While carrying out reconciliation you may find invoices in below buckets namely:

Matched - When your vendor and you, both have entered the invoice and the entries are getting matched between both the documents taking along Supplier GSTIN & Invoice Number as the base fields, in other words, the system will first check for Supplier GSTIN & Invoice Number, if these two are matching, then only system will proceed further to check whether other fields are also matching or not.

Mismatch - When your vendor and you, both have entered the invoice, but there are certain mismatches in the content/ values/ data of the same invoice, then the system will throw those invoices in these buckets. Although, there are sub-buckets as well which a user can view in this Section.

Invoice Date mismatch - If the Invoice Number is the same for Financial Year and date are different for the same Invoice.

Not Present in GSTR – 9(8A) - As per the naming convention, this bracket contains all those invoices which is present in your purchase register but missing in counter party filed GSTR – 1 i.e. your GSTR 9(8A)

Invoice Number Mismatch - It is a very special column or bracket which contains all those invoices where my rest of the details are matching i.e. Supplier GSTIN, Taxable Value, Tax Value etc: but Invoice Number is not matching.

Accepted Records - We have provided an option to the user where they can accept the records from different buckets for their known match / mismatch bucket, this will help them to reconcile the rest of the data.

Non-Reconcile - This bucket consist of multiple type of invoices which includes amendment Invoices uploaded by the supplier due to which B2B and B2BA both are coming in the same Financial Year,therefore, we have implemented a logic where B2BA will be reconciled with invoice present in Purchase Register & B2B will be sent to Non - Reconcile bucket. Also, this bucket contains those invoices where "Return Submit Status" is coming for an invoice as "Y" & "N.

Probable Matched: User can find the Invoices that are Probable matches. Either one or few of the details matching and rest details are not matching. It gives the flexibility to the user to take Action on such invoices

Linked Invoice - It is noticed that sometimes there are few invoices appearing in “Not Present in GSTR 9(8A)” & “Not Present in PR” bucket due to multiple mismatch reasons. Now to reduce the mismatches in both the buckets we have provided a functionality to the user where they can force match those invoices according to their convenience and can also preview the required details on the screen before force matching of invoices.

Now, in case a user wants to De-Link the invoices which he/she might had linked earlier, the option for the same is also available, after executing of De-Link functionality, invoices will be transferred to their origin bucket



● User can view and download Purchase data , GSTR9(8A) Data from respective buckets present in document view

● There is summary tab provided in each buckets So that user can also view on document view as well

● User can select invoice type from the option provided to view data accordingly

● Option of filters in each columns field provided such as INVOICE NUMBER,SUPPLIER GSTINs

● User can view match status of each invoices in purchase and gstr 9(8A) buckets also which makes user easy to go to the respective bucket firmly

Step22: 'Download' Button: User can click global 'Download' button on the top right corner to get Reconciliation Reports 'Consolidated Reports' or 'Vendor Wise Summary Report

Reconciliation Reports

Consolidate Reports: This is a consolidate report where a user can get Invoice Level Wise (Both 9(8A) &PR) bucket segregation of Invoices. This includes all the invoices user have accepted or have forced Match.



● User can send mail to respective suppliers as a notifications for the mismatched entries status

● User can send mails to multi suppliers at once or one by one

● User can see mail status in view mail logs and can download it.

● User can take actions such as accept/reject/force-match and delink for the respective mismatched entries if required.


● User can view summary of GSTR 8A and PURCHASE and can download in excel format

Bulk Operation Features

User can use Bulk operations feature in the following cases:-

1 BULK ACCEPT- If user wants to accept number of invoices.

2 BULK DE-LINK- If user want to de-link number of invoices

3 BULK REMARK- If user want to update remarks on number of invoices

4 BULK FORCE MATCH- If user wants to force match number of invoices.

Sample Files for all the operations are present in EXPORT section where user can download and prepare data accordingly

There is option of UPLOAD FILE where user need to upload prepared bulk data in required format

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