Sales/Purchase Import

This will demonstrate how a user can import their sales / purchase data.

1. Login to the GST Enterprise Portal -

Login to the GST Enterprise software using valid 'User ID' and 'Password', enter valid then click on “Sign In” tab.

You can make the system auto fill your credentials next time you sign in by clicking on “Remember Me”.

2. Navigating to the Data Import Module -

The user will land on Configurations page post Signing in.

From there, user has to click on second option “DATA IMPORT” in the Sidebar.

User will reach on the DATA IMPORT section where they can import their GSTR 1 and GSTR 2 data.

3. Importing GSTR 1 / GSTR 2 Sales Data in the system -

To import GSTR - 1 data make sure the toggle is set on “Sales Data”.

Similarly for GSTR - 2 click the toggle to shift to “Purchase Data”.

Click on the “Import” button , a side bar will be opened.

Select “Sales” / “Purchase” button in the Assign Template Mode.

Click “Document Type” drop down, the list of file types for GSTR 1 (B2b/B2CS/B2CL , CDNR/CDNUR, EXPORT , etc…..) will open. If user selects GSTR 2 then they will get different file types (B2B, CDNR, Import of Services, Import of Goods).

Choose the file type to be imported. Click on “Choose File” button and select the file to be imported.


In GST Enterprise, user has been provided with 3 different assign modes that are -

A. No Template ( in case user is preparing data with system provided sample files, this method saves time)

B. Create Template ( in case user has their own set of data prepared so they need to create a template and map the fields of their file with system headers OR in case user is using different set of data that’s previously not imported hence requires new template).

C. Saved template ( in case user is preparing multiple data with the same template that they already have template for, so no need to map again).

Types of GSTR-1 invoices -

1. B2B Invoice – B2B, which stands for business-to-business, a person will create B2B invoice when the person is selling products or services to other businesses.

2. Export Invoice – It is an official invoice created by the person who is exporting goods, a document issued by an exporter to an importer listing the goods or services purchased and stating the sum of money due.

3. Credit/Debit Note – For debit an invoice is raised whenever there is a purchase or sale transaction with a consideration. Similarly, credit notes are issued when there is a downward revision in prices of goods or services supplied.

4. Vouchers - Vouchers are of two types - Receipt Voucher and Refund Voucher. When a buyer pays a small amount of a product / service kind of a security amount then a receipt voucher is issues. Refund vouchers are used for refunding a particular sum of money on a product / service.

Types of GSTR-2 invoices -

1. B2B Invoice – B2B, which stands for business-to-business, a person will create B2B invoice when the person is selling products or services to other businesses.

2. Import Invoice – IMPS / IMPG, It is an official invoice created by the person who is importing goods, a document issued by an importer to an exporter listing the goods or services purchased and stating the sum of money due.

3. Credit/Debit Note – For debit an invoice is raised whenever there is a purchase or sale transaction with a consideration. Similarly, credit notes are issued when there is a downward revision in prices of goods or services supplied.

4. Reverse Charge Invoice - If a registered person purchases goods/services from an unregistered dealer (URD) then the registered taxpayer is liable to pay GST on reverse charge basis.

After required file has been selected, click “Submit” and the import job will be formed.


After the user has imported the required data of GSTR-1 / GSTR-2, user has to check which invoices are valid , invalid or duplicate.

On the imported job, click the “View Button”, shown below -

A sidebar will open, displaying all the invoices in 4 different buckets -

1. All Bucket : This bucket will display all the invoices user has imported.

2. Valid Bucket : This bucket will display all the invoices that follow the import rules and validations hence have been inserted in the system.

3. Duplicate Bucket : This bucket will display invoices that have same invoice / note number that already exists in the same Financial year of the active Business unit.

4. Invalid Bucket : This bucket will display the invoices that have not been inserted in the system since they do not contain “valid data”.

If the data is in valid bucket, then it has been inserted in the system and will be displayed when searched. Please refer to Part 4 (Preparing Data).

In case, the data is duplicate, user can either ignore the invoices since they already exist in the system or if user made changes for an invoice then imported them with same inv. / note number and wants to update the changes, then click on “Overwrite (in case of selected invoices) / Overwrite All (in case user wants to overwrite all the duplicate invoices)”. The invoices will transfer to valid bucket and new data will be saved.

In case, the data is invalid, user has to re-import the invalid data. To find out, what were the errors in the imported data, user has to go to the Invalid bucket, there will be all the invalid invoices with an error message attached to every individual invoice displaying error in a JSON format.

User can download error file for the invalid data as well. It will consist of an Excel file containing invalid invoices with the error message.

Last updated