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Outward Eway-Bill vs GSTR-1

Matching Between Outward E-way Bill and GSTR-1 to make Outward E-way Bill more accurate.

Steps1: Login to Enterprise with valid credentials then click Sign In

Step2: After Sign-In - 'Dashboard' will appear - click – 'GST Reconciliation' tab on left

Step 3: Click on Outward E-way Bill vs GSTR-1 ‘View Reconcile’ tab

Step 4: Click on Configure New

Step 5: Add mandatory details such as Return period, businesses,date and time and click on Save.

Note-User can select Business PAN wise and individual GSTIN wise also

After Configuring Recon Job, User can Edit / View/ Delete respective Recon job as well

Click on Execute button to start Recon Job

Step 7: User can navigate to different buckets present i document view tab to view data .

Step 8: User can take actions such as Accept/Delink/ Reject on invoices as per their requirements

Step 9- User can compare mismatch data through eye icon present in the invoices

Step 10: User can download Consolidated Report.

**There is feature provided to download Vendor wise consolidated report

Last updated